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Some notable producers also put in some work with the Mississippi rap duo including DJ Mustard, Honorable C.N.O.T.E., and Mike WiLL Made-It. Kodak Black also joined Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmy on another track title “Real Chill” while Riff 3x appeared on “662.” Juici J also made a guest feature on the upbeat party anthem “Shake It Fast.” Sremmlife 2 breed singles such as “ Look Alive” and “Set the Roof” which features an appearance from Lil Jon. The project has been in the works for months now but the wait has been worth it. The 14-track album marks the release of the rap duos sophomore album. Rae Sremmurd new album “Sremmlife 2” is finally here after the long wait. Rae Sremmurd and PARTYNEXTDOOR will be on our playlist all weekend.